
Said principle issa
Said principle issa

said principle issa

Knowing when and how to adjust training variables is a skill that takes some experience and knowledge, but following these laws will make it a much easier task. This is why I am in constant communication with my online clients, feedback is crucial to the process. The art of programming is knowing how and when to adjust variables, while still adhering to the laws of training.

said principle issa

So, when you are creating a program for yourself or your athletes you need to make sure that all of these laws are being followed.

  • The Specificity Principle: You’ll get stronger at squats by doing squats as opposed to leg presses, and you’ll get greater endurance for the marathon by running long distances than you will by (say) cycling long distances.
  • The GAS Principle: The acronym for General Adaptation Syndrome, this law states that there must be a period of low intensity training or complete rest following periods of high intensity training.
  • The Use/Disuse Principle: “Use it or lose it” means that your muscles hypertrophy with use and atrophy with disuse.
  • The SAID Principle: The acronym for “Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands.” Each organ and organelle responds to a different form of stress.
  • and order in which muscles rely on fiber types to contract is described by the Size Principle of Motor.
  • The Overload Principle: To make Mother Nature overcompensate, you must stress your muscles beyond what they’re already used to. Sign up for ISSAs Strength and Conditioning.
  • The Overcompensation Principle: Mother Nature overcompensates for training stress by giving you bigger and stronger muscles.
  • These differences should be taken into consideration when designing your training program.
  • The Law of Individual Differences: We all have different abilities, bodies and weaknesses, and we all respond differently (to a degree) to any given system of training.
  • It is within these laws that the variation in programming can take place. These are not suggestions, they are LAWS.

    said principle issa

    There are some hard and fast laws of training that must be followed. Like legendary moonshiner Popcorn Sutton, theses coaches know just the right amount of each ingredient to include to create a superior product. This isn’t some kind of supernatural coincidence, it is because they understand the laws of training and how to piece it all together to create better training programs. Have you noticed how some coaches produce outstanding athletes on a regular basis? Look at Louie Simmons or Josh Bryant, for example, they always have some of the strongest men in the world under their tutelage.

    Said principle issa